Bilbao 1963; living in Barcelona since 2001.
For more than 30 years I have photographed current affairs related to Human Rights. Some of these stories, such as child labor exploitation or minors in jail.
Since 2014 i am working in the project Anthropocene.
Documental photography is for me a life-affirming attitude, a tool that lets me approach situations that captivate,worry and make me to take part on personal projects .
Belong to photography agencies: Panos and Laif.
Prizes & Grants
- Plan Nacional de Fotografia 2023
- Propuestas VEGAP, Madrid 2019
- Tim Hetherington Grant 2012. World Press Photo and Human Watch Rights
- Lucie Awards 2012, Deeper Perspective Award. Los Angeles, USA
- Moving Walls 2012, "Juvenile in prison, Sierra Leone", N.Y.C-USA
- World Press Photo 2011, " Juvenile in prison, Sierra Leone", Daily life series
- POY, Picture of the Year 2011. World Understanding Award. USA
- 8th Festival Images, Leica Prize. Vevey, Switzerland 2011
- Finalist W. Eugene Smith Grant. N.Y.C USA 2011
- Luis Valtueña International prize 2010, Spain
- World Press Photo 2002 , Burning Man in Art , series
- W. Eugene Smith Grant 1999 ( 2ª prize) . New York
- World Press Photo 1998, " Child labour" in Daily life series
- Erna and Victor Hasselblad Foundation Grant. Sweden 1996
- Beca Fotopress, Barcelona 1994
- Mother Jones Grant. Los Angeles, USA 1994
- Child Labour. Published by: Peliti (ITA), Braus (GER), Acte Sud (FRA), Lunwerg (ESP) and OIT
- Lives of Devotion (USA & CAN) Published by Rizzoli International
- Hombres de Dios Published by La Esfera (ESP)
- Uomini Di Dio (ITA)
- Images de la Foi ( FRA)
- Prizes: European Publish Awards ( finalist ) in 1998 and 2012.
- Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid: Antropoceno, 2025
- Museo Elder- Las Palmas de Gran Canarias:La huella del deshielo 2024
- Sala Séneca-Ayto Alicante: La huella del deshielo 2024
- Sala Wonder Fujifilm Barcelona: La huella del deshielo 2023
- La Casa de las Ciencias, Logroño: La huella del deshielo 2023
- Centro de fotografía DKV Zaragoza: Antropoceno, 2023
- Fundación Cristina Enea Donostia: La Huella del Deshielo, 2023
- Centro Ataria, Vitoria: La Huella del Deshielo, 2022
- Metro de Bilbao ( Ayto): La Huella del Deshielo, 2021
- PHotoEspaña (sección oficial), Alcobendas: Paisajes en Deshielo, 2021
- Dom Museum Wien, Austria: Rich and Poor in the Mirror of Art, 2021
- Roca Gallery Madrid: Melting Landscapes, 2/2020.
- Sala la Florida, L´Hospitalet: Melting Landscapes, 5/2019.
- Nuit de la Photo, Switzerland, 2/1018
- ArtsFor, Digital Week, Milan, 3/2018.
- Galeria Fuji, Tokyo: Melting Landscapes, 1/2018
- Centro Santa Mónica, Barcelona, 2016
- DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, 2/2016
- Galeria Tache. Barcelona: Melting Landscapes, 7/2015.
- DOCfield, Barcelona, 2015.
- Noorderlicht (Holland) 2015.
- Bronx Documentary Center (NYC), 10/2014.
- Teatro Nacional de Bruselas,10/2013: Juvenile in prisons, S. Leone, .
- Moving Walls 2013, New York City and Washington
- Festival Images , Vevey Switzerland. Sept. 2012, Juvenile in prisons, S. Leone
- IVAM (Art Modern Museum ) May 2012, Juvenile in prisons, S. Leone
- The Sunday Times Magazine 50th Anniversary Photography Exhibition
- FotoEvidence Gallery, NYC, Oct 2011, Juvenile in prisons, Sierra Leone
- Newseum. Washington April 2011, Juvenile in prisons, Sierra Leone
- Visa pour l´image. France. Sept. 2011, Juvenile in prisons, Sierra Leone
- Expo Photo Month Krakow Polond. June 2008 ,Child labour
- Fundación Telefónica- Ayto Lima, Peru. May 2008,Child labour
- Caja Canarias, Tenerife. Febr. 2008, Exodus in Rwanda 1996
- Side Gallery Newcastle-England Oct-Nov 2005,Child labour
- Dunkers Kulturhus , Helsinborg Sweden January-Marz 2005,Child labour
- Noordelicht Photofestival , Holland 2003, Child labour
- Gallery Dupon , Paris. May-2003, Ethiopian Christians
- Museum of Pilgrimage , S. Compostela,Spain. 2002,Ethiopian Christians
- Photo festival de Honfleur, Francia. Mayo 2001, Child labour
- Visa pour L´Image, France. 2000, Child labour
- PHotoEspaña 2000, Child labour